Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pre-Memorial Weekend!

We are finally going to have a long weekend! Woot! Three LONG days of play play and play!! So in order to make sure the playtime is to the fullest, my goals this week is to accomplished the following tasks by the end of Thursday. Seriously speaking, the partying starts Friday at 6:01pm.

Task list:
1: Finalize tiles
2: Begin working on the logo or the UI designs.

Yeah there's only 2 things on the list but it's definitely going to rob my week nights of relaxing this week. Some say, I should relax after work, but my response is that I will relax once this is done because I know that the repayment for the work we are pulling in will definitely worth it.

I really want to stay buzzed for the three day weekend too so I have to make sure work is done and also clear out some space in the freezer for some Woodchuck Cider Beer. Whoever that have never tried it in slush form should really start exploring that.

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