This blog is a collection of original artworks from WIP to finished, art related topics, events, randomness and findings by me.
See something that interests you? Please feel free to leave a comment.
Friday, December 31, 2010
The double square
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Getting back into shows
Monday, November 15, 2010
For the remaining days of 2010..
For the remaining of the year. I will be working on the OM projects. Hopefully our beta will be ready for testing soon. As for GU I'm caught up with our comic and maybe I can start on our Mini GU site. It's still a good plan to me =)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
NYCC 2010 - prep
NYCC is around the corner with only 2 days left for preparations. Since this is my last convention this year or maybe the last forever. This time I narrowed down to only a few things, the limited print of the GU poster, mini prints, a few prints of original illustrations and maybe some originals will be on my table! Better yet, this is the first time ever, where things are done nicely and I was able to get ahead of schedule with my printing and packing. So nice and relaxing haha I call this the calm before the storm. I hope the NYCC storm will hit me hard because it means that I will be a very busy bee =D
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Pre-Memorial Weekend!
Task list:
1: Finalize tiles
2: Begin working on the logo or the UI designs.
Yeah there's only 2 things on the list but it's definitely going to rob my week nights of relaxing this week. Some say, I should relax after work, but my response is that I will relax once this is done because I know that the repayment for the work we are pulling in will definitely worth it.
I really want to stay buzzed for the three day weekend too so I have to make sure work is done and also clear out some space in the freezer for some Woodchuck Cider Beer. Whoever that have never tried it in slush form should really start exploring that.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Bronx Hero Comic Con - Recap
Yay finally a recapping post! Things got a bit crazy after the con. The usual things of work, play, work, work, eat, play, play and more play. hahaha But seriously, I just had a lot of work to catch up on.
Bronx Hero Con was definitely a nice experience. Thanks a munch shout out to my friend, Tess. I shared a tables with my friends just like the previous convention, Kids con, we had our prints, comics, novel and of course the face painting! The con itself was pretty small. It was held in the gymasium of the Hostos Community College in Bronx, NY. Even thought it was small it was pretty successful on my part. I had a decent sales and got a few commissions. But the best part of this event compared to the other ones I attended this year was a group of girls that I met. They are really enthustastic and all very talented young ladies. They reminded me of how I use to be when I was back at the AIPH age. Really motivated and trying to team up with friends to work on animations. Well I still team up with friends but now we also clarify more on the Business VS Play. Meaning if it's business and someone do something stupid we are allowed to kick them and then cruicify them with cruel mockery. Okay so that's the play part. Or simply how Tess says, "I'm gonna poke you!" while I say, "prepare to be kicked!"
I normally end with posting an artwork that I did but lately technologies have not been too friendly with me. So it will be a later thing.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Bronx Hero Con 2010!
What: Bronx Hero Comic Con
Where: Hostos Community College in Bronx, NY
When: Saturday, May 1st.
Why: To support us AND it's Free Comic Day!!!
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Adventurous Thursday!

Today was probably the most adventurous day ever at my office.
We hunted for goblins and giant spiders at the stairways and then ventured into the wild wild west and hung out with Bob the Trader. Later on, we had some voice acting fun going on with a lot of laughs. Finally, creating probably one of my own favorite pixel piece that I have done (left).
Okay now back to prepare for the rush! Will be updating tomorrow night! ^.~
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Happy Thursday!

After I took this photo I sort of want to take more of my toys at work.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Happy Tuesday!
I hope at the next con it will not happen but then this time we are not giving out free sketches. Well unless they are under 10 years old and not that much taller than the table. Of course they also have to be uber cute and behaving. That's not asking too much right?
1: Climbed the whole 15 flights of stairs at work
2: Meeting at work was good and over! Now more researching.
Monday, April 19, 2010
National Geographic Kids
This is how things just feel like sometimes:

Since it's Monday and a new week, I'm going to change the posting of the daily to-do list. I find it a bit difficult simply because I get home really late from the office and sometimes the task gets rolled over to the next evening. Therefore, I'm going to try a weekly to-do list.
April 19 - 25, 2010 list:
- Treasure hunting! Have to find some old client works to be sent to GU.
- Rough sketches for potientially new prints.
- Clean out that box under my computer desk.
- Drop off and pick up baby cousin from school.
- Try to schedule a Hush meeting.
- 30 min workout 3 times this week.
- Plan out outfit for Friday. What comes before Part-B? PART-A!!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Rain rain go away!

Yay! TGIF...except that the Mr. Sun decided to really hid from us not because of sundown but because Ms. Rainy wants to come out and play. We could've sang "singing in the rain" but on the long awaited Friday for Ms. Rainy to come out, it makes it all crummy.
BUT! Yes there is a but to this. I left work, stop at Trader's Joe and still managed to get home by 7:30!! That, my friend, calls for a victory toast! hahaha
Today I was able to finish one of the NPC. Yay! I will post it but I can't until it's until then enjoy this little thingie (Top) that I found on my HD. I did this when I was playing with the Illustrator's custom brushes for the first time. This was done really quickly, as you can tell, for a sketch challenge with my friends. I was trying to find a good way to ink my work without really inking it and then scanning.
4/16/2010 Goals:
1: Have a martini
2: Go to Trader's Joe
3: Pack bag for weekend trip
4: Continue writing report...... -______-;;
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Thursday....TAX DAY!
Today I managed to get the base done for an animated NPC for work. Now all I have to do it clean it up a bit more and animate the flag. I can't wait until this one is done and I can start on the 2nd one.
Oh and I read an interesting comic.
It's prob the COOLEST espresso machine you will find! I wish we have something like this at work. lolz
4/15/2010 Task/Goals:
1) Start drafting overview of report for work.
2) Drink a glass of martini =D
Yeah not much on the task list tonight. That report will be taking up my weekend. Of course that is not going to stop me from trying to have fun with my girls. Well noo fun-fun but I can still have fun. Maybe some sketch battles? That would be nice.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Convention weekend! Part 2
When: April 11, 2010
Where: Snevets! Hoboken, NJ.
Note: Just so whoever that is reading this, Snevets is Stevens spelled backwards and we call it Snevets because of an inside joke that is just too long to explain. We'll just say that it's funny.

Like most cons there are the good things and the bad things. We just have to take it all. I sold some original art which I enjoy a lot more than selling fan arts. Got a commission work to draw Tifa and Reno from Final Fantasy: Advent Children (LEFT). Normally I would love to do more commission work but because of work and Kids Con the day before it was better that I took it easy. So right after the commission I started to work on the character designs for the collaboration gig.
For the overall con, I cannot tell how it was because I didn't go around to see the panels or workshops. This year I didn't stay for the after party either. However, simply because I got my Dunkin Donut fix twice was enough to make it an enjoyable day.
Here are few of the pictures from Kids Con.

This little boy wanted Sonic. We had a long conversation of who is faster. Sonic or Flash.

These 2 girls came right after each other. One got her face painted first (Left) and one was looking through our print books (right).
1) Convention recap pt.2
2) Activate new card and other banking stuff. Yay!
3) Continue with replying emails.
4) Get ready for bed and nappy by 10:30!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Convention weekend! Part 1
As a briefing for the both cons I will be writing it in separate entries. Part one is to recap Kids Comic Con 2010.
What: Kids Comic Con
Date: April 10, 2010
Location: Bronx Community College, NY
This was a small convention held mainly for introducing children to the wonderful world of comic. How I saw it was a great family time for parents to spend a day with their kids or aunt and uncles with their nieces and nephews. The con was pretty successful to my friends and I. I shared a table with two of my friends from AI. My friend Tysheia, sold her prints and her recently published book, JUDE along with a comic that she wrote titled The Might Owl. I highly recommend people to pick it up if they have a chance. The other beautiful lady was Pirate Pebs! Most probably have seen her running around conventions in the pirate persona that she created. She was selling her jewelry and offered face painting for the little ones. Along with her, she brought, Kaj, the Gift-giving Pirate.
I had my prints for sale but instead of selling prints I gave away a lot! I really can't say no to these little critters. I helped a bit with face painting, or so I attempted. Kaj was distracting me the whole time! One of the promotions for this convention is that all artists were giving out free sketches so I did a bunch ranging from Sonic the Hedgehog to Chung-Li. Pictures will come late. I got a few permissions to post, but because they are still kids I need to play doctor to these photos.
The best thing that came out of it was seeing Thomas Hall, the writer for Blacklist Studios, again. I first met him at the Big Apple Comic Con of 2009. It was then when I was introduced to the first Issue of R13 and was kept on the edge wondering what happens next until this pass Saturday. I was finally able to get Issue 2 & 3 from Tom, as goodies! I gave him back a Aries card that I made with my Zodiac chibis that I drew a few years back. Okay sidetrackness! Tom came up to me with an intriguing collaboration idea, with him being the writer and me being the artist. That's all I'm going to say for now. I like to keep things under wrapped until it's ready. So let see where this goes. I hope it turns into something great, actually we both do.
To get back into the habit of writing and getting rid of sidetracking, I will now start a list with daily goals that I want to achieve when I get home from work.
4/13/2010 Goals:
1: Respond to important emails.
2: Write blog entry: recap of convention.
3: Finish watching "17 Again" so I can return it the next day.
4: Start cleaning up the pile my sister left sitting on my desk.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
March Madness!

Saturday, January 2, 2010
Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!
So plans for 2010? Being more creative! I still have to post the last few illustrations that I created since the last post. (I will get that done, it's on my resolution list) So I have a good 2 weeks to accomplish it while follow the 90% population of the world of keeping their resolution for the first two weeks.

Anywho, as my first splurge and guilty pleasure of 2010, I treated myself to "The Swan Princess" DVD. Not much of a guilty pleasure, right? To me, it still is. First off it's a classic story and secondly, I loved the animation. Three cheers to traditional animations! Maybe this year I'll be able to finally do an animation short. There has been a lot of pass things that I'm not doing anymore that's really time consuming so, it should be possible, right? If not, finish drawing my friend's comic would be a good start.